Stefanía Castelblanco Pérez
Artisan | Researcher -Traditional Craft | Fashion Studies | Design pedagogy -
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¡Happy to have been included as honorary advisor and researcher at The Center for Environmental and Minority Policy Studies (CEMipos) ! ¡ Feliz de ser incluida como consejera e investigadora honoraria en el Centro de Estudios de Política Ambiental y de Minorías (CEMipos) ! ❤️
Joanna Franco
Protection, Human Rights, Governance and Development - Women,children & indigenous peoples
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Felicitaciones Stef! Que buen espacio para ti y tu trabajo! Un abrazo 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Andrés Moreno Murcia
Lawyer | LL.M. candidate in international law at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)
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Hoy, en clase de Derecho Internacional Ambiental, compartiendo la situación actual y algunas problemáticas de esta materia en nuestro país 🇨🇴, con algunos casos representativos, y con el enfoque de responsabilidad del Estado.
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🌊 Exciting News Alert! 🌊📘 Check out this groundbreaking publication titled 'Guidance document for understanding the United Nations treaty for conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction' written by our brilliant colleague Sonia Angélica Jurado Caicedo, Project Coordinator for SARGADOM at Fundacion MarViva!👩💼 With a background in law and a master’s degree in International Affairs from Universidad Externado de Colombia, Sonia has been a driving force in the field of international affairs, environmental multilateralism, ocean governance, and sustainable development since 2016.🌍 This comprehensive guide offers invaluable insights into the intricacies of the United Nations treaty, shedding light on crucial aspects of conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction.💡 Don't miss the opportunity to dive deep into this essential resource, shaping the future of ocean governance and sustainability!🔗 Read the publication here:'s available in English 🇬🇧 and Spanish 🇪🇸 #UN #MarineBiodiversity #Sustainability #OceanGovernance #EnvironmentalLaw #Publication
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IIEDE - Instituto Internacional de Estudos de Direito do Estado
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Integrante do Conselho de Catedráticos do IIEDE na primeira década de atividades do Instituto, o jurista espanhol Demetrio Loperena Rota foi um dos principais pensadores do Direito Ambiental daquele país. Foi catedrático de Direito Administrativo da Universidade do País Basco, condição na qual publicou dezenas de artigos vinculando o Direito Ambiental aos princípios dos direitos humanos. Precocemente falecido, em 2013, Loperena Rota deixou importantes contribuições. Eis algumas delas:1) LOPERENA ROTA, Demetrio. Los derechos al medio ambiente adecuado y a su protección. IN VALENCIA, Pierre Foy (Org) Derecho y ambiente: nuevas aproximaciones y estimativas. IDEA-PUCP, 2001.2) LOPERENA ROTA, Demetrio. La posición jurídica del ciudadano ante el medio ambiente. Naturzale. 12, 1997, 57-733) LOPERENA ROTA, Demetrio. Veinte Años de Politica Ambiental em EE.UU. Revista de Administración Pública. Núm. 129. Septiembre-diciembre 1992.4) LOPERENA ROTA, Demetrio. El pleno de ayuntamiento. DA-1991, núm. 228.5) LOPERENA ROTA, Demetrio. País Vasco, el año del cambio. Colección especial Aranzadi Observatorio de Políticas Ambientales 2010
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The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility
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What if indigenous communities were empowered to protect one of the planet’s most important natural tools to fight climate change?This question catalysed the creation of Tenure Facility in 2017. Today, it remains at the core of our theory of change, which is based on the evidence that when Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants & local communities have strong land rights, climate and conservation outcomes are better.One place that exemplifies how we’ve evolved over time is Peru, where we've been supporting work since our founding. Over more than 5️⃣ years, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental partnered with Federacion Nativa del Rio Madre de Dios y Afluentes (FENAMAD), Organizacion Regional de Pueblos Indigenas del Oriente (ORPIO), and AIDESEP to advance indigenous tenure security in the Peruvian Amazon.The results of this long-term partnership were recently summarised by Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental in a publication called “Joining Forces.” Over the course of both project phases, the partners improved legal security of more than 5️⃣ million hectares of Indigenous territory, benefiting over 170 communities. "Titling means protecting our forest, our lives and the future our parents once dreamed for us. This is where my children are growing up. It also means building a community and a region that is better conserved and free of pollution and mistreatment." Luis Garcia President of the native community Francisco Bolognesi
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Fady Ortiz Roca
Lawyer specializing in Constitutional Law, and Ethnic Affairs. MSc. Caribbean Studies. LLM Candidate in Washington College of Law - American University
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#PeriódicoUNAL| Conservación ambiental y derechos ancestrales: la agenda pendiente tras el litigio entre Colombia y Nicaragua. Los tres fallos emitidos por la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ), dejaron varios temas pendientes, entre ellos la preservación tanto de la Reserva de Biosfera Seaflower en el Archipiélago de San Andrés, Providencia y Santa Catalina como del territorio y los derechos del pueblo Raizal, aspectos cruciales que aún se deben abordar desde la negociación bilateral.
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The AES Corporation
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We are thrilled to announce that AES México has been recognized as one of the 100 Most Sustainable Companies in México by Greentology, a respected authority on corporate sustainability. This distinction is a testament to our commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, which are at the heart of our operation.AES México was evaluated through a meticulous methodology consisting of 62 items divided into five sections totaling 100 possible points: Quality of Life, Business Ethics, Engagement, Community Commitment and Community Development. AES México excelled in each of these areas, demonstrating robust accountability, transparency and compliance with industry standards.This recognition reinforces AES México's strong commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, as well as their contribution to sustainable development in México with a positive impact on the communities in which it operates.You can find additional information about this recognition here: #AESMéxico #Sustainability #CorporateSocialResponsibility #Greentology
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Colexio Oficial de Traballo Social de Galicia COTSG
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📢 Queremos compartir con vós o último número da Revista Cerna de ADEGA: 📝 Francisco Aguiar, profesor do Grao en Traballo Social - UVigo da Universidade de Vigo, colaborou no último número da Revista cun artigo sobre o Traballo social ecosocial. Resalta a importancia de que as organizacións sociais e ecoloxistas traballen unidas para defender a nosa terra e avanzar cara a un futuro máis sostible e xusto🤝.🌱 Este número da revista tamén inclúe outros temas de gran relevancia, como os artigos sobre Altri e a plataforma da Ulloa.🌍 Galicia di NON a Altri, fóra da nosa terra! 💪🏼Convidámosvos a ler o artigo completo e explorar todo o número da revista na seguinte ligazón: Revista Cerna N.º 91: #TraballosocialEcosocial ✊
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José Durão
MD - Public Health Resident | PGDip, PGCert | MPH Candidate
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Understanding how heatwaves, food safety, air quality and chemicals can influence human health is the first step in building effective health policies.The Environmental and Occupational Health Department at Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Universidade Nova de Lisboa addresses all these factors through a multitude of projects and I was lucky enough to be a part of that.🌿 Sharing our vision on how research on #environmentalhealth can help shape international efforts to advance public health.
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Meghie Rodrigues
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At the end of last year, I had the immense satisfaction of contributing to a spotlight for #Nature magazine about Brazil. The idea was to take stock of scientific and environmental policy in the country in this first year of government change. A lot has changed, but the scenario is far (very far) from being a bed of roses in both areas. Very glad to share the results with the international community - and glad to see one of the world's most important science publications has its eyes on the largest South American country :)To the great Natalie Unterstell, Marina Silva (Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima), Carlos A. Nobre, Suely Araújo (Observatório do Clima), Luiz-Eduardo Del-Bem, Thiago Signorini Gonçalves, Renato Janine Ribeiro, Luis Fernandes (Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação), Denise Carvalho (Ministério da Educação), Pedro R. Jacobi, and Leonel Perondi (INPE) - thank you SO much for the interviews, insights and availability during the process!Link to the #Brazil Spotlight in the first comment of this post. Springer Nature Group #policy #politics #environment #science
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Network of Environment Documentation and Information Centres
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Centro Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Ambiental (CIEDA-CIEMAT)@AJA#AJA#ActualidadJurídicaAmbiental#normativaambientalEl objetivo principal de este Anuario de la Revista Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental -el número trece, que no es poco- es ofrecer al lector los contenidos relacionados con los diversos sectores ambientales para que disponga de una información adecuada y efectiva que le permita conocer y estar al día de las novedades o modificaciones aprobadas por el legislador y de la estela jurisprudencial patrocinada por los Tribunales a lo largo de 2023. A ello se suma el elenco de referencias bibliográficas que aglutina básicamente lo que se publica en esta materia y que facilita la labor de rastreo en la investigación jurídico-ambiental.La especial dedicación que hemos puesto a lo largo de estos años en orden a mejorar los contenidos de nuestra publicación, finalmente ha dado sus frutos. “Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental” ha obtenido en 2023 el Sello de Calidad FECYT y ha logrado, tras un riguroso proceso de evaluación, su inclusión en Scopus; además de haber sido incluida en la Lista larga de candidaturas para el 9th IFLA Green Library Award. En definitiva y con toda humildad, estamos de enhorabuena.Informe completo:
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