vacation rental update and real estate pack | EA Forums - 5009143 (2025)

Forum Discussion


New Adventurer

23 days ago

There are 2 systems that I believe EA should expand to enhance gameplay: the vacation system and the ownable business system. Here is a list of suggested features.

Vacation system

  1. Introduce hotel venue type. Instead of paying to rent a vacation home, sims can check into a hotel. The fee will be similar however, the experience will offer more dynamic gameplay. Sims will need to book a vacation, travel to the hotel, and " check - in." Room access will be controlled by key cards, which the sims need to have in their inventory to access their room. The hotel will spawn NPC guests and employees that played households can interact with. Hotels will offer a variety of services such as: housekeeping, room service, ice machines, and in - ground hot tubs. For areas like Selvadorada, where mostly locals will spawn, there will be a better experience as other types of NPCs will spawn in the area.
  2. Introduce vacation home venue type. Unlike vacation rentals, played households can buy a second home outright that they will own. It can't be lived in, since it's not a residential lot. However, anytime the household plans a vacation, they can now select their owned vacation home in addition to vacation rentals and hotels.
  3. Introduce a cruise ship interactive shell. The cruise ship will function like a hotel, only it will be a new waterfront venue type. The shell will be shaped like a cruise ship, so like an apartment, the exterior can't be customized, but the interior can be customized. The cruise ship will spawn NPC employees and guests like a hotel, offer services like a hotel, but also offer access to the ocean (like beaches) so sims can enjoy water sports. Sims will also experience motion sickness and other buffs related to traveling on the ocean.

Ownable business system

There are currently several packs that introduce new venue types that can be purchased and used to operate a business. They are pretty intensive and require full time management. Players are required to travel to the lot, open their business, and provide goods and/or services to satisfy customers. However, I believe the game should expand upon this by introducing a real estate system. Players can manage residential and commercial venues that are currently unowned and unoccupied, hold events to find perspective buyers, and then make a sell and earn a commission.

  1. Real estate system will feature a 10 - level career with 2 branches, new skills, new events, and a dynamic gameplay experience.
  2. Real estate career will focus on property management and client management. The starting levels of the career will focus on skill building: improving handiness so that repairs and upgrades can be made to properties, improving charisma to have more success with making sells and getting a bigger commission, and writing skills for creating brochures and advertisements for "open house" and "launch" events.
  3. The career will have 2 branches: real estate agent and business tycoon. The real estate agent branch will focus on managing residential properties. Tasks will include organizing "open house events" and getting perspective clients to purchase or rent residential properties. The player will need to make the property look presentable, make sells at open house events, and then handle various situations after the sell such as foreclosures, homeowner's insurance claims, and putting the property back on the market it the client isn't satisfied. The business tycoon branch will focus on managing commercial venues. Tasks will include making the properties presentable, hosting launch events to find perspective buyers, and then assisting the owner with advertisements, insurance claims, upgrades, and repairs to help the business flourish. Like residential venues, commercial venues can also go into foreclosure and the client might put it back on the market.
  4. Various commercial lots such as bars, cafe, nightclubs, etc. will now be venues can be sold and managed in the real estate career.


game packs

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vacation rental update and real estate pack | EA Forums - 5009143 (2025)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.